With growing student debt and education costs it is getting harder for many bright, young people to achieve their dreams. We would like to help every year to selected two students.
The Scholarship
Share your perception about “How ride-sharing services are changing our lives for the better”The best two submissions will be awarded with $1000 USD scholarship each.Eligibility
- The applicants must be current or future students in the US, UK or Canadian school / University / College
- The employees of Driver Knowledge and immediate family members are not eligible for the scholarship
- The students who are above the age of 17 are eligible for the scholarship
How to Apply
- Write an essay containing no more than 1000 words on the topic “How ride-sharing services are changing our lives for the better”
- You must email the essay to [email protected]
- Included with applicant’s name, address, telephone number, and the university/school attended
- Deadline for the submission: July 15, 2017
- Winners will be notified: July 30, 2017
- We consider only completed applications
- The entry for the submission must be done by the applicant
- Only one entry per applicant
- The applications and entries must be in English